Art Direction, Graphic Design, Illustration, Animation

We were seasonally briefed to create graphics that tied to seasonal footwear narratives. We often struggled with a mis-aligned calendar where we’d have to finish prior to the footwear team landing their designs.

This always lead to our team feeling the heat for our own deadlines, and made it difficult to make sure the product felt aligned in the market. I knew there had to be a better way to solve this problem…

I asked myself, what if we created a story that was more adaptable? Turning a shoebox into a character redefined how we approached Nike footwear heroes for apparel without having to connect to direct footwear models.

VR Boxy
Graffiti Boxy
Boxy Breaks the Fourth wall


This is just a smattering of some of my favorite iterations of boxy.

It’s nice to see boxy still living and going on adventures everywhere, from apparel & accessories to marketing content.

Boxy Endurance Test